Julia Sahalie
Life Between Lives Facilitator iKansas City, MO metro
Language English

Julia holds a safe and compassionate presence for those who have lost sight of their own path, living a script that isn't even theirs and are ready to get to the very core of healing their birth wounds and re-write their own story.
Julia is a sacred birth keeper who guides them through their birth story to their divine whole self and helps them build the resources needed to show up more compassionately so they can stand in alignment as their authentic self & fulfill their true soul's calling with a sense of peace, power and purpose. She provides guided hypnotherapy sessions, energy healing, somatic therapy, inner child resourcing and inner wisdom prompting for creating new neurological imprints throughout all timelines.
She works with the birth scripts – generationally, past-lives, inscribed from conception to early childhood and of those who have had a birth that didn’t go as planned.
LBL provides a way to make meaning out of our lives and why we are here.
Life Between Lives Facilitator
Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist
Neonatal Regression Facillitator
Other Specialisations
Peri and Prenatal Practitioner
Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor
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