Connie M.
Hypnosis Facilitator: Change Management, Career Changes, & Traumatic Loss & Grief Support; Newton Method PLRs and LBLs
Language English
Are you going through an unwanted change in life, or a serious loss event, such as a geographical relocation, a career change or redundancy, a partner loss, bereavement, or relationship breakup? Are you wondering if hypnosis can help you regain that sense of self worth and self-assurance? Why not explore what insights Hypnotherapy, including Past Life Regression (PLR) and Life Between Lives Regression (LBL) hypnotherapy sessions using the The Newton Institute method, can bring to your awareness, insights, and sense of inner peace.
Primary Location
Bayside and SouthEast Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Other Locations
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Bayside, Victoria, Australia
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
LBL Therapist with TNI
PLR Therapist with TNI
Masters Degree
Other Specialisations
Loss & Grief Counselling
Resource Therapy (Ego State techniques)
Organisational Change Management & Training
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