Members Portal: Stories of the Afterlife
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Become a Published Author!
MNI offers the opportunity for its members to publish fascinating and inspiring LBL case stories in our quarterly journal, Stories of the Afterlife.
We hope you will consider sharing your stories with the SOTA subscribers. If you have a story you would like to submit, please follow the template below. You may send your case story by email to
(to submit a video instead, contact Judith at
Intro paragraph. Introduce client and describe the background to their LBL journey. (100 words suggested)
Describe features of the case, points of interest and brief details about client’s aims for the session, their questions or characters they want to know about. (200 words suggested)
Narrative and detailed description of how the session unfolded, the regression, womb work (if relevant) description of the past life regression, points of interest and insights, and afterlife experiences and interactions. Provide quoted material from client session as relevant. (600 words suggested)
Narrative commentary about how the session concluded, revisiting the themes, client questions, insights and revelations. (400 words suggested)
Concluding narrative, including quotes if desired, what the client learned from the session and what has been their main transformational experience. What can the reader take from this story … points that are relevant to the readership. (200 words suggested)
*Client must agree to their case being shared (anonymously)
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