Reawaken to your immortal identityTM
Discover Life Between Lives® wisdom.Find healing and purpose in your life, through expanded consciousness.
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Who am I? What is my life purpose? Where am I going when I die?
These are some of the big life questions Dr. Michael Newton dedicated his life to finding answers for. In his search he discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us in the afterlife, the Life Between Lives (LBL). Using the LBL technique he pioneered, he discovered that hidden afterlife memories can be remembered because spiritual information and wisdom exists deep in the mind of every person. Through over 30 years of research through the eyes of 7000 clients he was able to map for us a working model of the spirit world.ABOUT MNI

About MNI
The Michael Newton Institute is a not for profit organization, bringing together a worldwide collective of trained facilitators to offer Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy as pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton. We are committed to providing opportunities globally for people to experience their soul state and a reconnection to the wisdom of the afterlife, through publications, research or individual LBL sessions.LIFE BETWEEN LIVES

Life Between Lives
LBL® enables you to access your own spiritual wisdom to find a deeper understanding of who you are as an immortal identity, bringing healing and expanded consciousness to your current life.‘Life Between Lives’ refers to the experience of being between incarnations (the inter-life), where you exist as a pure energy being. It also is the name of a process pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton.
Find an LBL® FacilitatorExperience a Life Between Lives session for your self with one of our MNI LBL Facilitators.

released december 2019Wisdom of Souls
Wisdom of Souls is filled with awe-inspiring stories of healing and wisdom experienced by people from all walks of life.
Become an LBL
If you feel drawn towards becoming a Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy practitioner you are almost certainly listening and responding to your soul’s calling – and its own quest for growth. MNI holds trainings 1-2 per year internationally and are always looking to grow our community so get in touch if you’re interested in learning more about the training program.

Online Training
Online Training