The Michael Newton Institute® requires a solid background in hypnotherapy training as well as experience working as a hypnotherapist as one of the pre-requisite requirements for those planning to enrol in the Life Between Lives Training with MNI. (Past Life Regression training is also required).
While MNI doesn’t offer hypnotherapy training, to help you get ready to undertake LBL training, we have developed our Alliance Training Program (ATP). We have gathered together a group of qualified trainers who own their own hypnotherapy training businesses. MNI Alliance Program Trainers are also Certified LBL Facilitators with MNI, so they know exactly what skills you need to give you a solid grounding in hypnotherapy.
The content of ATP hypnotherapy courses and the teaching background of the Alliance Trainers have been examined and approved by MNI. ATP courses are not conducted or owned by the Michael Newton Institute and all arrangements for training are made directly with the ATP Trainer.
See the below of upcoming hypnotherapy courses offered by our Alliance Trainers. Course details are available through the links provided and on the ATP Trainers own website.
Upcoming Alliance Program Hypnotherapy Trainings
Italy- English Language Hypnotherapy Training
Italy- Italian Language Hypnotherapy Training
Malaysia & Online- Mandarin Language Hypnotherapy Training
Online- English Language Hypnotherapy Training
Online- Spanish Language Hypnotherapy Training
Spain- In person and Online Spanish Language Hypnotherapy Training
There are many paths to prepare for LBL Training and our LBL students come to us with a wide range of prerequisite training exposure and experience. As our ATP trainers are only available in limited areas around the world, other past life regression training courses may also be accepted.
For more information about preparation and prerequisites for LBL training see our Pathway to Becoming an LBL Facilitator page.
To discuss if your current hypnotherapy and past life regression training and qualifications, or whether the course you are thinking of taking, meets LBL training prerequisites, please complete the contact form below and a LBL Training Advisor will contact you.